Saturday, October 6, 2007

Car Show -

Duration: 02:01 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-16 14:45:49
User: xpock
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ramonpuntocom en "Nada Partidarios" 24 (12 septiembre 2007)

Duration: 05:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-19 09:51:35
User: ramonbiosca
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Vigésimo cuarta colaboración de ramonpuntocom en "Nada Partidarios", de Intereconomia TV, programa presentado por Eugenia Marcos, Federico de Juan, Luis Ignacio Gonzalez y Cristina Rovira. Seccion sobre links curiosos de internet. Estuvimos mostrando páginas web interesantes, divertidas, útiles,... Consulta el blog de ramonpuntocom en

South Korean Chicks [Part1]

Duration: 10:05 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-07 09:15:08
User: gotohrisa
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日本で肉体労働をしている、とっても偉い韓国人女性達 1

Kokpit: Bayan Pilotların Eğitimi

Duration: 06:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-23 15:57:58
User: bozo86
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El Rey habla de la presentación a la Virgen de la Infanta

Duration: 02:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-20 14:46:26
User: ramonbiosca
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En la presentación de la Infanta Sofía a la Virgen de Atocha no estuvo el abuelo paterno, el Rey Juan Carlos. En este video explica sus razones. "NADA PARTIDARIOS", programa de INTERECONOMIA TV, te dio la exclusiva, y RAMONPUNTOCOM te la trae a Youtube. Más videos y contenidos de "NADA PARTIDARIOS" en

Turkish Airlines A320 Bird Strike (STAR TV Report)

Duration: 02:32 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-18 01:41:16
User: bozo86
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TC-JLJ (cn 1856) "Şırnak" suffered a birdstrike 10 minutes after takeoff from LTFJ followed by an emergency landing @ LTBA


melih1905 ::: Favorites
07-09-18 20:15:11
melih1905 ::: Favorites
is it funny ?
07-09-18 20:13:43
wiibayboy ::: Favorites
they fixed the windows with some turkish delight and some baklava
07-09-10 08:34:57
bebocampbell ::: Favorites
scare mongering
07-09-04 07:15:44
alanstarkie2001 ::: Favorites
I've no reason to disbelieve the bird strike but the video of superimposed flock of birds is lame! On the news or not.
07-08-15 12:40:26
iyenice ::: Favorites
What did you expected, to change the whole plane and all parts? Hey these things happen for all airlines, and they have follow certain guidelines and procedures, to have the plane on route a.s.a.p. I guess you wont be clever enough to know why dickhandler
07-08-11 06:07:54
iyenice ::: Favorites
Thats why it is member of Star Allience with the likes of Lufthansa, United. What are you talking about. I hated when people talk about things they do not know any shit about it, like yourself. Has the newest fleet and also worlds best pilots FYI
07-08-11 05:52:06
rooney62danny ::: Favorites
i think im flying to turkey next year! and i have no idea what its like atall
07-08-03 09:18:52
haks7 ::: Favorites
Its the same safety standards as any other airliner. turkish airlines improved huge and buying all new planes, excellent crew and food. No dissaponments so far.
07-07-31 17:24:46
bozo86 ::: Favorites
dude, THY is one of the safest airlines on this planet, also remember that they're replacing all old planes with brandnew ones!!
07-07-28 11:55:32

夜郎自大で馬鹿な韓国人達 韩国人们愚蠢在夜郎自大 

Duration: 01:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-20 15:50:09
User: gotohrisa
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最高人気娯楽番組MBCTV「無限挑戦」の「日本屈辱」写真がインターネットで話題を集めている。 秋夕特集で8日、日本でファンサイン会を開いた'無限挑戦'チームの姿が屈辱と言う名前で インターネットに広がっている。毎回「練炭運び」「農村体験」などの無茶な挑戦をして 来た'無限挑戦'は、秋夕特集で「日本ファン合コン」を予告した。 日本での人気を確認することを兼ねて、人々がたくさん集まる東京上野公園でファン・サ イン会を開く事にしたこと。韓流スターを連想させる雄大な題名と違い、写真の中の'無限 挑戦'の日本ファン合コン現場はみすぼらしかった。 広い公園広場で垂れ幕一つをぽつんと付けて、簡易机に座り、日本ファンをあてどもなく 待つ「無限挑戦」チームの姿は屈辱そのもの。偶然に現場を見たというあるネチズンは 「遠くから見たら虚しくて、さびしかった」と現場雰囲気を伝えた。 写真を見た多くのネチズンは「やはり'無限挑戦'は日本でも相変わらずだ」「日本の人々 が'無限挑戦'を調べるか知りたい」と言うなどの反応を見せて、日本に対する期待感を現 わした。 ファン合コン任務を無事に終えた'無限挑戦'チームは、上野公園の真ん中で主題歌である 「ハナマナソング」を律動と共に歌って撮影を終えた。今月22日放送される。 ソース:ISPLUS(韓国語) '無限挑戦'日本屈辱写真インターネットで話題'無限挑戦'が日本で屈辱にあった(?).


farenopusizu ::: Favorites
07-09-28 09:33:06
farenopusizu ::: Favorites
korean get out japan!
07-09-27 00:32:38
farenopusizu ::: Favorites
fuck Kimchi!get out!
07-09-21 18:12:48
InSweetSorrow ::: Favorites
shut up bitch. you get out
07-09-21 22:00:58
thgus714 ::: Favorites
yeah right bitch...--;; you get out... they don't like u too
07-09-22 15:23:14
3dqs4 ::: Favorites
very talent people.
07-09-21 12:50:30
InSweetSorrow ::: Favorites
lol o thats funny
07-09-21 00:24:12

CLANNAD クラナド1-1

Duration: 05:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-10-05 07:38:33
User: foxnenenene
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CLANNAD クラナド1-1

Mac Daddy

Duration: 02:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-27 19:57:15
User: berfinsila
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Kurtlar Vadisi Pusu 10.Bolüm /1 Kisim 20.09.2007

Duration: 10:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-20 15:36:48
User: f1pilotuefe
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Kurtlar Vadisi pusu 10.Bölüm 1 kisim polat alemdar memati 20.09.2007


ibnekurtler ::: Favorites
ellerin dert gormesin kardesim.
07-09-22 19:10:53
uozat ::: Favorites
dostum sağolasın sayende izliyorum kaçırmıştım Eyvallah, eline sağlık...
07-09-22 18:48:35
ahmetkemer58 ::: Favorites
hmaburgdan selamlar
07-09-22 06:53:25
Adam0lun ::: Favorites
tek tabanca diye bir dizi yapmışlar süper olmuş hele 6. bölümleri harika
07-09-21 15:37:49
AlazliMula61 ::: Favorites
sagol kardes....
07-09-21 12:48:54
komikkiz4 ::: Favorites
hey mezgit28 ,,, gavur diye dinsize derler ,yabanci memlekette oturuyosun belli orada paranida kazaniyosun, biraz kulturunu genisletsen iyi olur... ha bu ara cok tesekkurler ratinglere basiyorum.
07-09-21 01:42:35
mezgit28 ::: Favorites
helal kocum gavur ellerinden bunu beklidim ellerine saglik.
07-09-20 23:08:06

Kurtlar Vadisi Pusu 10.Bolüm /5 Kisim 20.09.2007

Duration: 10:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-20 16:14:55
User: f1pilotuefe
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Kurtlar Vadisi pusu 10.Bölüm 5 kisim polat alemdar memati 20.09.2007


hayaletkorsan ::: Favorites
vay pezevenk tamer
07-09-26 21:06:00
mesutgsi ::: Favorites
tamer piçi sen ve senin gibilerin bu ülkenin havasını bile solumaya hakkınız yok
07-09-25 00:49:11
sefa005 ::: Favorites
Selçuk ağzını öpeyim; "Kucaktan kucağa zıplarsan olacağı bu.." "Bütün kadınlara ders olsun" :D....Dinleyin selçuk abimizi.
07-09-22 15:56:06
egem1985 ::: Favorites
vay amına çaktımının tameri
07-09-21 15:56:41

ramonpuntocom en "Nada Partidarios" 2 (15 febrero 2007)

Duration: 06:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-27 10:43:56
User: ramonbiosca
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Segunda colaboración de ramonpuntocom en "Nada Partidarios", de Intereconomia TV, programa presentado por Rafael Martinez Simancas y Cristina Rovira. Seccion sobre links curiosos de internet. Consulta el blog de ramonpuntocom en

CLANNAD クラナド1-4

Duration: 06:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-10-05 08:33:17
User: foxnenenene
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