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Duration: 02:58 minutes Upload Time: 2007-12-15 07:35:46 User: umer123khan :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: The event of Karbala & Yazeed - In Dr. Zakir Naik's opinion. Dr. Zakir Naik supporting Yazeed & sending blessing of Allah on him. Zakir Naik termed the event of Karbala as "Political War". |
Comments | |
Walhamdulilah101 ::: Favorites 2008-01-16 16:07:03 You cant change the fact that these hadiths you mentioned are all false. It got shia narrators.Tabari history is not sahih bukhari. __________________________________________________ | |
Walhamdulilah101 ::: Favorites 2008-01-16 16:04:55 Say whatever you want,but the fact remains: hadith is false. __________________________________________________ | |
LadooCrew ::: Favorites 2008-01-16 14:01:40 Incase you are not aware of teh fact refer to tarikh al tabari, the band that killed uthman , came from egypt , the leader of the gang was Muhammed ibn abu bakr the son of teh 1st caliph, even aisha was against him she changed patterns when she found out Ali (as) was made caliph it is well known she bore a grudge against him. AS i say welcoem Pm i will show u all the refs from ahle sunnah works __________________________________________________ | |
LadooCrew ::: Favorites 2008-01-16 13:59:22 if you refer to any hsitorian, what killed uthman is his betrayal of teh people , he wasnt as firm as umar he was weak, he let hsi clan dominate all postionas including bayt al mal, h eput in corrupt bani umayya governors, he brought bk al hakam who was banished from medina even though abu bakr and umar did not allow him to return , he made walid governor of kufa a prolifiagte and drunkard, who infuriated the sahabah, He also persecuted many noble companiosn like abu dhar(ra) etc __________________________________________________ | |
LadooCrew ::: Favorites 2008-01-16 13:56:21 I dont think you knwo hwo Islamic learnign works what I posted was a hadith , we have many islamic sciences, usul al fiqh, al hadith, al rijal, al tafsir etc etc , daleel can be based on anyoen as long as its sound, The hadith i mentioned is qouted by , by far teh best tafsir in ahle sunnah books, abu bakr umar uthman, are not God, they are mere companions as for uthman we never killed him his own deeds did , __________________________________________________ | |
Walhamdulilah101 ::: Favorites 2008-01-16 11:17:53 Its all fabricated. If you are truthful,give me authentic hadiths. How can shia of Ali be the best creatures when they killed uthman and they insult abu bakr and umar? They are the worst of creatures. __________________________________________________ | |
LadooCrew ::: Favorites 2008-01-16 10:44:55 the onyl thign that seems fabricated is you, And that isnt teh onyl one, imam sayuti has also recorded simmilar narrations, is it all fabrications , were ur greatest ulema , all stupid? that they dint see it and u did lol , __________________________________________________ | |
LadooCrew ::: Favorites 2008-01-16 10:02:47 the abu lolo who killed umar bin khattab lol ur a funny guy, the fatwas of yazeeds cursing are ample ample __________________________________________________ | |
Walhamdulilah101 ::: Favorites 2008-01-16 09:58:48 only ahura mazda the god of abu lolo cursed Yazid. The god of abu lolo was a false god. __________________________________________________ | |
Walhamdulilah101 ::: Favorites 2008-01-16 09:53:43 The hadith is fabricated. __________________________________________________ | |
LadooCrew ::: Favorites 2008-01-16 09:46:55 Listen Illegitimate stock , The devil is acursed by god my speaking or keeping silent is irrelavent , and as for Your orders stuf fthem where your praise of yazeeds comes out from, il give you a clue it cerataintly isnt ur mouth __________________________________________________ | |
LadooCrew ::: Favorites 2008-01-16 09:32:31 Wow rasulAllah says in ur Greatest tafsir that of al tabari, Muhammad bin Ali narrates in Tafsir ibne Jarir, Volume 33 page 146 (Cairo edition) that the Prophet (saww) said: "The best of creations are you Ali and your Shi'as". And the Illegtimate son of Yazeed barks, hhhm carry on barking nice sounds __________________________________________________ | |
LadooCrew ::: Favorites 2008-01-16 09:29:47 And ur a pig is just as truthful as ur bullshit __________________________________________________ | |
Walhamdulilah101 ::: Favorites 2008-01-16 09:28:26 Shia't Ali were hypocrites,only few were good. Yazid( O Allah be pleased with him)killed shia't Ali,shia't Ali killed Al-Hussain r.a. __________________________________________________ | |
LadooCrew ::: Favorites 2008-01-16 09:26:30 AND spastics unlike ur names of sunni/salafi. deobandi/aqalbandy, teh term shia is in teh Holy quran where a Prophet like ibrahiem (as) is called shia In surah 37:80-83, It is teh saved sect IN YOUr OWN AHADITH. Your very names are biddats lol, The shia is identified as follower, he is ranked as to whoem he follows, tabari narrates words like " shia of uthman " etc again in his volume 19 , so those shia whome u call where In ur ranks not ours, __________________________________________________ |
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The event of Karbala & Yazeed - In Dr. Zakir Naik's opinion
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